


In order to support our customers within an ever-evolving landscape, JAKALA leverages a data-driven approach to offer concrete assistance in the banking industry. By harnessing the power of data, AI, and advanced analytics, we redefine the transformation process, enabling our customers to stay ahead of the curve. 

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The onset and results of the pandemic have intensified the pressure within the banking system, leading to an acceleration of processes that were already in progress within the industry, and making it necessary to prioritize customers and optimize channels to stay relevant.

Several key trends have emerged as a result, including shifting customer needs, the entry of new players (Fintech), the need to see the bank as an ecosystem, the change in people's habits due to the "new normal", and a rapid acceleration in digitalization of processes.


Within a constantly evolving environment, it is important to correctly address the main evolution trends.

In regard to the changing customer needs, it is important to enhance the available information through data enrichment activities.

The redefinition of customer journeys, achieved through the seamless integration of new technologies and data, is imperative to create innovative business models and effectively address the increasing competition by new players in the market, such as Fintech.

Building the bank as an ecosystem and forging strategic partnerships are instrumental in driving innovation, expanding product and service offerings, and staying ahead of the market.



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